Former freelance journalist, salaried editor, and founder/publisher of several media properties Matt Saincome breaks down how publishers can win using a freelance content team. Matt will break down the problem from every side, having experienced each part of the problem first hand. Then he'll present OutVoice, the solution he built for his publication, which had one editor successfully managing 500 freelancers and generating millions of views and ad impressions. OutVoice helps publishers large and small automate away annoying processes and get more out of their content spend.
Future of the Newsroom
Matt Saincome
Founder, Outvoice
Matt Saincome is a former freelance journalist, alt-weekly editor, and publisher who was fed up with the headache-inducing systems used to pay and manage freelance teams. When he went looking for a publisher-specific solution and found none existed, he knew he had to build a team to create one. OutVoice is the result.