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test Q

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 · 1:30 p.m. · Pretoria
About This Webinar

To successfully design plastic parts, it's important to mitigate mistakes and avoid problems before they start. The later you find an error in the design-to-manufacturing process, the more costly the mistake. The key to minimizing errors is testing early and often with SOLIDWORKS Plastics. Readers are encouraged to watch the webinar with plastic part and mold injection expert, Jeff Osman, and learn how to set up a study in SOLIDWORKS Plastics to predict and avoid defects, eliminate mold rework, increase part quality, cut time to market, and create designs that are optimal for injection molding.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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MECAD Group webinar platform hosts test Q
This platform is dedicated to hosting webinars for the MECAD Group, which comprises various entities such as MECAD Systems, MECAD Manufacturing, MECAD Technologies, MECAD Academy, MC Technology Staffing, SolidCAD, and Simutron.
Attended (2)