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About This Webinar

Join Michelle Leonard and Tracie Bills from SCS Engineers to discuss achieving your Zero Waste goals. We designed one of the first e-waste collection events in California and studied the feasibility of a diaper recycling facility – the first in the United States. We are still leading the charge to sustainable materials management through innovative policies, programs, and infrastructure that increase diversion, reduce contamination, recycle more materials, and manage costs.

SCS is an innovative force in developing new waste diversion programs. We offer technical expertise and financial, regulatory, and educational skills to develop cost-effective and sustainable programs.

When: Friday, March 14, 2025 · 8:45 a.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Dial-in available? (listen only): No
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CRRA webinar platform hosts Pathways to Sustainable Materials Management
Metro AV Channel for CRRA