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How to start your career as a remote software developer w/ Ariel Camus, Microverse CEO

About This Webinar

In this webinar, Ariel Camus (Microverse's CEO and founder) will explain how people can start their careers as software developers and get remote jobs no matter where they are in the world.

Ariel is a software engineer and entrepreneur based in San Francisco who sold his previous company after growing it to more than 1 million users. He has worked remotely and managed remote teams for the past 7 years and he is connected to some of the most prominent thought leaders in the "remote work" space, including GitLab, Buffer and Doist's CEOs.

During this webinar, Ariel will also explain how he is helping hundreds of people in 65+ countries start their remote careers through Microverse, the global school for software developers that doesn't charge you anything until you get a job.

  • Ariel's story working remotely and building remote software engineering teams
  • What Microverse is, how it started, and how it works
  • Tips for becoming a remote software developer
  • Success stories of Microverse graduates making up to 8x their previous income
  • Questions
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: e14c9b9e035f
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Ariel Camus
Microverse Founder. Training Remote Software Developer all Around the World. Formerly TouristEye Co-founder (acquired by Lonely Planet)
Hosted By
Microverse webinar platform hosts How to start your career as a remote software developer w/ Ariel Camus, Microverse CEO
Microverse is a global school for remote software developers where students learn through remote pair programming and don't pay anything until they get a job.
Attended (74)