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Coalition of OT Advocates for Diversity - Working Together in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

About This Webinar

COTAD was established in 2014 by members of AOTA's Emerging Leaders Development Program. It's purpose was to empower equitable and inclusive practices within Occupational Therapy higher education and work practices. Since then, over 60 COTAD chapters have been established across the nation. St. Catherine's University graduate students Diamond Hill, Erin Bugajski, Naomi Teetzel, and faculty member Dr. Stephanie de Sam Lazaro will educate MOTA on their COTAD chapter, the Minority Mentorship Program, COTAD-ED, and the positive impact it has on Occupational Therapy diversity inclusion initiatives.

Learning Objectives:
1) Identify 1-2 methods COTAD aides Occupational Therapists in achieving AOTA's Vision 2025.
2) Define the collaborative student and faculty process for establishing a COTAD chapter within 1 year.
3) Describe 1 strategy COTAD can utilize to increase visibility and diversify the OT workforce.
4) Describe 1 method COTAD's Minority Mentorship Program increases retention of diverse Occupational Therapy students.

  • 5:45-6:00: Check in/tech troubleshooting
  • 6-6:20 ▪ Short introduction of all participants and their interest in this topic, ▪ Presentation of topic, background information ▪ Goals for discussion ▪ At least 5 questions/issues you will be discussing as a group.
  • 6:20-7:15: Discussion
  • 7:15-7:30: Wrap up and next steps
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Stephanie de Sam Lazaro is Director of the Graduate Occupational Therapy (Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy and Doctor of Occupational Therapy) Programs. She primarily teaches courses on occupational therapy's role and process with children, adolescents, and their families. In addition, she teaches courses in human occupation, doctoral orientation, master's projects, and capstone projects. My scholarship focus is on family centered practices in early childhood and occupational therapy's role in integrated primary care teams. An additional scholarship focus is on best practices in intradisciplinary OT/OTA teaching strategies.
Webinar hosting presenter
Diamond Hill is an OT Doctoral student with a shared passion of diversifying the OT profession.
Webinar hosting presenter
Erin Bugaski is an OT Doctoral student with a shared passion of diversifying the OT profession.
Webinar hosting presenter
Naomi Teetzel is an OT Doctoral student with a shared passion of diversifying the OT profession.
Attended (37)