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Next Gen Angular2 + Ionic2 Stack, React Native IDE, Easy Docker Deploy

About This Webinar

At this Modern Web event, we'll feature 3 cool new companies with tools focused on enhancing developer happiness by abstracting away repetitive tasks.

Topic: Building a better developer experience for React and React Native

Speaker: Devin Abbott, Co-Founder and Engineer Deco Software

Description: React and React Native make building apps faster and easier than ever before, but developer tools are still catching up. What would an IDE look like if it were built specifically for React? An IDE for React should support React Components as first-class citizens, providing tools for developers to write, publish, import, and instantly tweak components. A component-based workflow will enable developers to harness and contribute to open source projects on an entirely new scale.

Topic: Building & Testing micro-services app using Docker and Node.js

Speaker: Domenic Merenda, COO, Codefresh

Description: In this session we will go over the fundamental of Docker & Docker compose and build our first micro-services application. The session will include a live demo of Docker technology, Node.js and Codefresh platform.

Topic: Building an easy Angular 2 and Ionic 2 project utilizing Backand

Speaker: Matt Billock, Backand Developer Advocate

Description: Both of the most popular frameworks for hybrid mobile app development recently published their new versions. This session will teach you how to leverage Ionic 2, Angular 2 and Backand to create a cross-platform experience with a scalable and secure back-end out of the box.


-- About Modern Web --

We focus on covering next generation frameworks, standards, and techniques. Find podcasts, videos, trainings, and online events at http://modern-web.org.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 05332a872713
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Tracy Lee
Founder of Modern Web
Webinar hosting presenter Devin Abbott
Co-Founder and Engineer Deco Software
Webinar hosting presenter Matt Billock
Developer Advocate
I'm a developer with more than 10 years experience across multiple industries
Hosted By
modern web webinar platform hosts Next Gen Angular2 + Ionic2 Stack, React Native IDE, Easy Docker Deploy
Topics we cover: ES2015, TC39, EmberJS, AngularJS, Angular2, ReactJS, ReactNative, RxJS, TypeScript, Phoenix/Elixir and more.
Attended (112)