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Webpack Core Concepts, Alexa w TypeScript & Node, Angular2 & SAM

About This Webinar

At this Modern Web online event, we will feature 3 speakers and 3 talks.


- Webpack with Sean Larkin
- Alexa, TypeScript, and Node with Nic Raboy
- Angular 2 and SAMjs with Jean-Jacques Dubray

Topic: Webpack All The Things: The Core Concepts

Speaker: Sean Larkin, WebPack core team member & User Experience Developer @ Mutual of Omaha

Brief: I had the opportunity to be introduced to using Webpack working at React shop, however as an AngularJS Fanboy and Apologist, I longed to bring the same brain-melting, experience to my ngApp.

Problem was that I used, webpack, but never understood it. From automatically managing Bower, AMD, and NPM dependencies to code-splitting, minification, and source-mapping, I realized Webpack automagically handles all the hurdles I had ever encountered in my previous web projects. Together we will break down the core concepts and demystify this amazing tool.

My hope for you is that by the time we’re done, you’ll have set fire to every Gulpfile and Gruntfile you’ve ever written, destroy all those extra style and script tags in your browser, and give you the tools needed to make the best modern web apps, without sacrificing developer experience. Join me while we webpack ALL the things.

Topic: Developing for Amazon Alexa with TypeScript and Node.js

Speaker: Nic is a skilled application developer who has released several native and hybrid mobile applications to iTunes and Google Play. He writes about his development experiences related to making web and mobile app development easier to understand and has experience in Android, Node.js, Apache Cordova, Java, NoSQL, SQL, NativeScript, GoLang, and Unity3D. He can be found on Twitter at @nraboy or on his blog https://www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com.

Brief: Amazon Alexa is the voice service that powers devices such as the Amazon Echo. With the Alexa Skills Kit, developers can build user experiences that work on Alexa powered devices. Skills can be created using a variety of technologies and hosted on a variety of platforms including Amazon's own Lambda platform.

We're going to see what it takes to use TypeScript, Node.js and Lambda to create an Alexa Skill that can be used on Alexa powered devices.

Topic: Angular2 and the SAM pattern: a perfect match!

Speaker: Jean-Jacques Dubray is the founder of xgen.io and gliiph. He has been building Service Oriented Architectures, and API platforms for the last 15 years. He is a former member of the research staff at HRL and earned his Ph.D. from the University of Provence (Luminy campus), home of the Prolog language. He is the inventor of the BOLT methodology and the SAM pattern.

Brief: Angular2 is rapidly gaining traction as a robust Web framework. The SAM pattern introduces a new and easy way to build Angular2 application following a modern reactive, single-state-tree and unidirectional data flow architecture where the application logic is nicely and entirely separated from the framework itself. One of the key benefits of the pattern, amongst many other, is to decouple the view components from the back-end APIs.

We'll give a rapid introduction about the SAM pattern and walk through some code samples.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: d1a863b671dd
Hosted By
modern web webinar platform hosts Webpack Core Concepts, Alexa w TypeScript & Node, Angular2 & SAM
Topics we cover: ES2015, TC39, EmberJS, AngularJS, Angular2, ReactJS, ReactNative, RxJS, TypeScript, Phoenix/Elixir and more.
Attended (155)