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Live Career Coaching for When Your Career Has Stalled

About This Webinar

• Are you disappointed that you aren’t further along in your career?
• Have you been passed over for opportunities or derailed one time too many?
• Do you feel that you haven’t lived up to your potential and haven’t achieved what you are capable of?

Sometimes, taking one step in the right direction is all you need to go from being stalled to having momentum. If you are looking for practical guidance more than theory, tailored advice rather than one size fits all, rich conversation rather than slick scripts, join NAA for Career Talk.

Career coach, Carol Ross (McC ’83, GMcC ’87), will answer your questions for a full hour. Since 2006, Carol has worked with the Northwestern Alumni Association to help thousands of alumni grow their careers. Wildcats have watched her webinars on using emotions productively at work and at home, attended her workshops on networking with more ease, and taken her advice on coming back from burnout. Carol has also blogged about careers for NAA.

Carol will speak with 3-4 individuals about what’s holding them back from the career of their dreams, and provide savvy advice along with valuable resources.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 5bfa03321888
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Carol R
Carol Ross is an executive coach with a passion for developing “emotionally fit” leaders and human workplaces. With two engineering degrees from Northwestern, she worked in the nuclear power and telecom industries for nearly 20 years. In 2002, a call came with the opportunity of a lifetime—a former boss gave her a heads up that she was being laid off. Carol went back to school to become a career coach and made the transition from employee to self-employed. Carol’s advice has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, US News and World Report, and Whole Living. Carol lives near Boulder, CO with her NU sweetheart, Chip.
Hosted By
NAA Career Webinar Series webinar platform hosts Live Career Coaching for When Your Career Has Stalled
The Northwestern Alumni Association believes in life-long career
development to help you maintain your professional edge.
Attended (103)