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Design Review Roundtable: Infill Design

About This Webinar

Design review is one of the most powerful tools that communities have to protect historic resources. But regulating what owners can do with their properties is also one of the most difficult preservation challenges. Join us for a design review roundtable to hear how preservation commissions from around the country are regulating new construction within historic districts. Designing infill to be clearly identifiable as new construction while blending with the surrounding historic fabric is a tricky balance. This session will look at some of the different approaches commissions have taken in defining what is compatible and gather feedback through interactive presentation software.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior City Planner, Landmark Preservation, City and County of Denver
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Planner, City of Raleigh, NC
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal Planner, Current Planning and Urban Design, City of Oklahoma City Planning Department
Webinar hosting presenter
Preservation Planner, City of Madison, WI
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal City Planner, City and County of Denver, CO
Webinar hosting presenter
Design and Preservation Manager, Town of Palm Beach
Attended (27)