The lack of housing, particularly affordable housing, is a pressing issue nationwide. Many don’t realize that rehabilitated historic buildings can be a critical part of the solution, especially when policies and funding primarily prioritize new construction approaches. Join the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) as they discuss the role of historic preservation in addressing America’s housing crisis. ACHP Chair, Sara Bronin, will introduce the newly developed Housing and Historic Preservation Policy Statement, which will serve as a guide for public and private entities seeking to harmonize historic preservation and housing goals. Adrian Scott Fine, President of the Los Angeles Conservancy and NAPC CAMP Trainer, will break down this big picture issue from a local and statewide perspective and how preservation efforts are playing out in a variety of ways. NAPC’s Board of Directors Chair, Abigail Christman, will join in to provide some background on NAPC and the new Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs. Learn how you can effectively convey the important connection between housing and historic preservation through messaging and outreach.
CE Credits: 1.5 AIA/AICP