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The Life Cycle and Care of Traditional Materials

About This Webinar

Difficult decisions regarding maintenance, repair, or replacement of traditional materials are often constrained by conflicting preservation goals, limited resources, and an unpredictable climate. A basic understanding of how traditional building materials of wood, stone, lime, clay masonry, and metals are first created and then destroyed by natural and human intervention can inform these difficult decisions. This session will focus on understanding the impact of various forms of moisture (humidity, rain, and flooding) and on developing effective strategies to prevent or mitigate damage to historic materials.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
AIA, LEED AP, Adjunct Faculty, Boston Architectural College
Susan Pranger, AIA is an educator, author, licensed Architect and LEED accredited professional with 40 years of experience in historic preservation and sustainable design. She served as chair of the Boston Landmarks Commission for 12 years and has taught Sustainable Design and Historic Preservation at the Boston Architectural College (BAC) for over a decade. Her recently published book “Old Materials, New Climate: Traditional Building Materials in a Changing World” is based on her past experience, supplemented by focused research, interviews and global travel.
Email: SUSAN.D.PRANGER@gmail.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Coastal Programs, HDR
Angela Schedel, Ph.D., is the Director of Coastal Programs at HDR; licensed professional engineer; retired Naval aviator; board member, Florida Shore & Beach Preservation Association; CAMP trainer, National Association of Preservation Commissions; specializes in vulnerability assessments, climate adaptation recommendations, and coastal resilience planning for National Historic Landmark communities.
Email: Angela.Schedel@hdrinc.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Preservation & Planning, Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach, FL
Old Materials, New Climate - Discount Code
NAPC Membership, Programs, and Resources.pdf
Attended (46)