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About This Webinar

After 15+Years of experience in business -critical projects and and after beginning 10 years ago to build large-scale data-driven system s based on Neo4j , on NoSQL Technologies and on streaming process tools Larus Business Automation srl started a new challenge heading to XAI: When we use AI to predict the risk of an investment, take lending decisions, provide explanations for high-scoring cases of suspected fraudulent activities or recommend a medical treatment, black-boxed AI is not suited: human experts must be able to validate the truth of AI produced results and gain new insights and graph technologies add the required context for this level of explainability.
At nodes 2020 Larus will introduce "Galileo XAI", the brand new LARUS graph-based platform for explainable AI powered by Fujitsu Deep Tensor®

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Director, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc.
Surya Josyula is Director of Marketing at Fujitsu Laboratories of America where he works on outbound initiatives for new innovations including technology incubation and co-creation with customers and partners. Prior to Fujitsu Laboratories, Surya spent 15 years at Sun Microsystems in various engineering and marketing roles.
Webinar hosting presenter
Data Engineer
After 10 years of web development I switched to data Engineering, currently working with Scala, Java and Neo4j.
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Neo4j Event webinar platform hosts LARUS presents: GALILEO XAI
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