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Building scalable, competitive and reliable applications means understanding and taming the complexity and dependencies found across the spectrum in today’s IT landscape. Crosscode provides developers with the most comprehensive and automated application dependency mapping tool available, as well as the freedom and agility to work with the most scalable and innovative technologies for any datasets.

In this session, you’ll learn when to choose a graph-based database over an RDBMS from Jon Gentsch [Senior Software Engineer, Crosscode] and Robert Vrooman [Senior Software Engineer, Crosscode], highlighting how to easily transition your data from applications based on the traditional SQL-driven RDBMS to Neo4j graph database technology, with a dynamic-schema architecture and powerful Cypher query language; resulting in speeds, scalability and reliability that give you a 360-degree view of dependencies found across platforms, applications, databases, and APIs in real time.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
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Neo4j Event webinar platform hosts RDBMS & SQL to Neo4j & Cypher; Transitioning to the right technology for your data.
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