In the last session of the afternoon we will be joined by Peter Burkinshaw from Public Health England and we will also be joined by our expert speaker panel for a live Q&A session.

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  • Public Health England - Presented by Peter Burkinshaw
  • Live Q&A With our Expert Speaker Panel - Presented by Danny Hames
  • Closing Remarks - Presented by Danny Hames
  • DISCLAIMER: For the avoidance of doubt, the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance (NHS APA) Conference on the 9th of September 2020, shall be referred to throughout this disclaimer as a “Virtual Conference Event”. By joining any of the Virtual Conference Event sessions or accessing any of the Virtual Conference Event web pages, you consent to all of the conference terms and conditions (see Some of the Virtual Conference Event sessions may include sensitive material. Presenters may express a wide variety of opinions and views which do not necessarily represent the opinions and views of the NHS APA and/or you as an individual.
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    Peter Burkinshaw
    Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Recovery Lead - Public Health England
    Peter Burkinshaw works for Public Health England as the alcohol and drug treatment and recovery lead in the Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco and Justice Division. He leads on adult and young people’s alcohol and drug treatment, including prevention, harm reduction and recovery interventions. He joined the National Treatment Agency in 2008 as the Standards & Inspections National Programme Lead, leading the joint NTA & Healthcare Commission drug treatment reviews and was then appointed as the Skills and Development Manager in December 2009. Pete started working in the substance misuse field as a practitioner in 1992 and has worked in and managed a variety of services, including young people’s, residential and adult community based services until 2005. From 2005 to 2008, he worked as a freelance consultant delivering substance misuse service and treatment system reviews and training programmes.
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    Danny Hames
    NHS APA Chair
    Danny Hames has 18 years’ experience working in the public and voluntary sectors, within criminal justice, long terms conditions and the drug and alcohol treatment sector. He has worked as a Practitioner, Operational manager and Head of Development. In September 2018 he became the Head of Inclusion which is part of the Midlands NHS Foundation Partnership Trust. Inclusion is the largest NHS provider of drug and alcohol services in England working in both prisons and the community. Inclusion also provides Sexual Health and Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services. Danny is an accredited PRINCE2 and MSP Practitioner and holds a PG Certificate in Drug and Alcohol Policy and a MA in Voluntary Sector Studies.

    Danny initiated and is a founding member of the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance which was founded in 2016, this is a collaboration of thirteen NHS trusts who provide addiction treatment services with the aim of supporting and developing best practice in the sector, this included, with Collective Voice producing “Improving Clinical Responses to Drug Related Deaths Best Practice Guidelines (April 2017)”. The NHS APA also aims to provide a NHS treatment service voice to the benefit of the sector and as part of this runs annual conferences. The NHS APA currently work in over 50 prisons and 35 community services across England. NHS APA is currently establishing an initiative across 12 NHS trusts in England to eliminate Hepatitis C. Danny is the current chair.
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    Ed Day
    Clinical Reader at the Institute for Mental Health at the University of Birmingham and a Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust
    Dr Ed Day's work is split between clinical research and teaching at the University of Birmingham and clinical practice in the Solihull Integrated Addiction Service (SIAS), a partnership between the NHS and three third sector providers. Much of his research focuses on developing and testing innovative pharmacological and psychosocial interventions for tackling addiction, with a particular focus on social network interventions. He conducted the first RCT of front-loading detoxification strategies for alcohol dependence in the UK, and developed and tested a range of treatment manuals based on the concept of node-link mapping for Public Health England. He is a member of the Addictions Faculty Executive at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, a member of the Drug and Alcohol Advisory panel at the DVLA, and part of the expert group writing clinical guidelines for the management of alcohol use disorders with Public Health England. He was appointed National Recovery Champion by the Home Office in May 2019.
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    Matthew Gaskell
    Consultant Psychologist and the Clinical Lead for addictions for the Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
    Matt leads the specialist NHS provision in drug and alcohol treatment in Leeds, as well as leading the NHS Northern Gambling Service. This covers the whole of the north of England from the north Midlands to the Scottish border, with regional clinics in Manchester, Leeds, and Sunderland. He is a leading advocate for reform of gambling regulation and legislation. He was programme manager for the degree programme in addictions at University of Leeds for many years, and he is a visiting lecturer in addiction at the University of Birmingham and University of Leeds. He has twenty years’ experience working with people with long term and complex addiction presentations. His research interests include the nature of addiction, treatment and recovery, and public health approaches to preventing and minimising harm.
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    Emily Finch MBBS, MSc, MD, FRCPsych
    South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust - Clinical Director, Southwark, Central Acute & Addictions Operational Directorate and Clinical Director, Addictions Clinical Academic Group; King’s College London - Visiting Senior Lecturer
    Dr Finch is the Addictions Clinical Academic Group (CAG) Clinical Director with responsibility for Addiction services across Lambeth, Bexley, Greenwich and Wandsworth. She is currently clinical lead for the Alcohol Assertive Outreach Team is also responsible for quality for adult
    psychiatry service in Southwark and a member of the Trust Quality Centre. She is currently on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) and joint chair of the Recovery Committee. Emily is the vice-chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Addictions Executive. She is a co-chair of the London Joint Working Group on Hepatitis C. In 2012 Emily chaired a joint RCGP RCPsych working group to develop a document defining competencies for doctors working in Addictions and has recently chaired the NICE quality standard drug use disorders topic expert group. From 2004 to 2007 Emily was the Clinical Team Leader at the National Treatment Agency (NTA) where she took a lead in the clinical aspects of national drug policy and in liaising between the NTA and the professionals working in the field. Emily teaches and lectures, on all aspects of addiction and supervises PhD students. She is an educational and clinical supervisor for psychiatric trainees. She is head of education and training for the Clinical Academic Group. Her research interests include the outcome of treatment for opiate
    users, hepatitis C and injectable prescribing. Emily is a Trustee of alcohol research UK and Gamcare.