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How to Measure Training Effectiveness & Business Impact

About This Webinar

Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on training. The Leadership Training market is estimated to be upwards of $30B worldwide according to one study. But they struggle with measuring Training effectiveness & showing Business Impact.

If you are wrestling with issues such as this, this webinar will be helpful to attend and learn about CALF™ - the only learning platform in the world that measures both the behavioural and business impact of your learning interventions.

  • How to capture behavioral application from your learning interventions using our proprietary tool called LAP.
  • How Business Impact metrics can be captured for your training programs.
  • How beautiful reports can be generated on the CALF™ platform for both behavioral and business impact.
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & CEO, NuVeda
Key Architect of NuVeda's learning platform, CALF™.

Author, "The Google of Learning" - an innovative approach to learning technologies 10-20 years into the future.

An entrepreneur with 30+ years of leadership, change management, and six sigma expertise for operational excellence.
Hosted By
NuVeda Learning webinar platform hosts How to Measure Training Effectiveness & Business Impact
Scale-up Learning and Development in your Organization.

NuVeda is the strategic growth partner for anyone providing Learning & Development solutions. We help you design, deliver, manage, measure the business impact and monetize your training interventions.