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5 Shifts for Conquering Your ADHD at Work

Monday, July 8, 2024 · 1:30 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Note: This webinar is part of a multi-session recurring webinar: 5 Shifts for Conquering Your ADHD at Work.
About This Webinar

You know “what to do”, you know “how to do it”, but when it is time to ACTUALLY WORK ON “the thing”, you just can’t seem to get started, right?! If that sounds familiar, than this presentation is for you!

This event is for anyone struggling with their ADHD, especially those who are struggling to complete the daily “duties as assigned” at work.

In this fast-paced webinar, social media influencer and International ADHD Coach Ryan Mayer will share the strategies that have helped both him and hundreds of his clients to regain control of their lives. The concepts are easy to understand, and start using immediately - even if you have never had success before!

You owe it to yourself to attend this webinar, to improve your self-esteem, and start living the life you you know you deserve! (Besides - what have you got to lose??)

Bullet points about what is covered in the webinar:

Learn why you keep getting stuck

Start working WITH, instead of against your ADHD

Clarify your goals

Determine a specific path forward

Stay organized

Prioritize more effectively

Meet deadlines

Start keeping promises you make (to yourself and others)

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Online Coaching webinar platform hosts 5 Shifts for Conquering Your ADHD at Work
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