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“Forget AI replacing jobs, how do we ensure our team is doing the work that has been set for them?”

A quote from a recent conversation with an executive. “Having recently spoken to a Head of Support Operations managing a team of 100, she stated a staggering average adherence score of only 37% across her team, meaning that despite hiring the correct headcount she still was struggling to control her backlogs and wait times”.

But everyone (for the most part) had been clocking in and out on time.

Therefore, the problem existed in how team members spent their time at work.

Not how long they spent at work.

In this webinar, we explore modern approaches to adherence management and how they compare to emerging AI-led solutions which claim to improve customer service team productivity.

We’ll dive into what teams must already measure before they can truly feel the benefits of AI.
  • Why AI will only have the multiplier effect on productivity if adherence is fixed first
  • How AI will augment adherence
  • Steps to improve adherence and prepare for AI implementation
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    Natasha Ratanshi-Stein
    Founder and CEO, Surfboard
    Natasha Ratanshi-Stein is a leader with a mission to help mid and large-scale customer service teams feel like they’re doing a great job. With a simpler, fairer, smarter solution for workforce management.

    Assisting clients to ride a wave of improved customer satisfaction with the help of the WFM solution, Surfboard, which she founded and is CEO of.

    Natasha has first-hand experience with the problem she is solving from her time as Bulb (renewable energy utility supplier) as Chief-of-Staff during their explosive growth.

    With years also spent at Goldman Sachs as an analyst, Natasha and her team have obsessed over the numbers and metrics that move the CSAT (customer satisfaction) needle the most in a positive direction.