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In the world of building platforms seemingly everyone is investing in a portal. There is clear value to be had from this, but it is just one part of the full platform puzzle.

The goal of enabling developers to access infrastructure and other services through self-service is mission-critical, and a portal is the only interface.

Some invisible (and intelligent) glue is needed between platform tooling like Backstage and Terraform to add the governance and orchestration required to enable self-service.

In our experience with customers, we’ve learned that a portal typically provides an easy-to-understand user experience, but many developers prefer using an API or the CLI.

Infrastructure as code tooling excels in templating and deploying solutions for day one, but what about upgrades and maintenance on day two (and beyond)?

A modern platform needs to support all options.

Join this webinar to learn more about the invisible glue of platforms: platform orchestrators.
  • Why portals are only one part of the platform puzzle
  • How self-service APIs became an essential feature of modern platforms
  • Why platform orchestrators have emerged as the solution to platform problems that exist today
Principal Engineer at Syntasso
Abby Bangser is a Principal Engineer at Syntasso, where she works on Kratix, an open-source cloud-native framework for building internal platforms on Kubernetes. Her keen interest in supporting internal development comes from over a decade of experience in consulting and product delivery roles across platforms, site reliability, and quality engineering.

Abby is an international keynote speaker and co-host of the #CoffeeOps London meetup. Outside of work, Abby spoils her pup Zino and enjoys playing team sports.
Head of Product Marketing at Syntasso
Daniel Bryant is the Head of Product Marketing at Syntasso. His technical expertise focuses on ‘DevOps’ tooling, cloud/container platforms, and microservice implementations.

Daniel is a long-time coder, platform engineer, and Java Champion, and he contributes to several open-source projects. He also writes for InfoQ, O’Reilly, and The New Stack, and regularly presents at international conferences such as KubeCon, QCon, and JavaOne.

In his copious amounts of free time, he enjoys running, reading, and travelling.