Fingerprinting is a practice of websites tracking internet users and pinpointing their identity even if the users never asked for it. When it comes to public data gathering, fingerprinting techniques used for user tracking can also detect headless browsers, which impedes scraping JS-reliant websites.

This webinar will cover the topic of fingerprinting and how it works in detail. Paulius Stundžia, Senior Developer at Oxylabs, will demonstrate how websites can use fingerprinting techniques to detect headless browsers and what can be done to circumvent that.

Paulius will also perform a live coding session with two of the most popular Python libraries for headless browsing: Pyppeteer and Playwright.

Join this webinar to:
➡️ Understand what website fingerprinting is and how it affects web scraping;
➡️ Learn methods to avoid fingerprinting, making it easier to collect necessary public data;
➡️ Watch a coding session that demonstrates how to circumvent website fingerprinting.

For those who would like to follow along, Paulius suggests:
➡️ To make sure you have a Python 3 version, preferably – Python 3.8+;
➡️ To install Pyppeteer and Playwright in your virtual environment. In your environment, run: pip install playwright==1.44.0
  • 1718195471-a699ceb0bc8aa00b
    Paulius Stundžia
    Senior Developer at Oxylabs
    Paulius has been working at Oxylabs for over six years now and is a former OxyCon (2019 & 2021) speaker.
    He started working at Oxylabs as a Python developer, taking the lead on implementing headless scraping in one of Oxylabs' most powerful web scraping tools. He has worked on services within Oxylabs' scraping infrastructure using both Python and PHP. Paulius is currently part of the Oxylabs Residential Proxies team as a Senior Developer, where he still maintains many Python-based services.