Wednesday, November 20, 2024 · 11:00 a.m.
With our unique mix of templates, videos, and offers of help, Expired Listings will reach out to you!
The “Reverse” Expired Listing campaign - With this unique mix of videos, templates, and offers of help, Expired Listings will reach out to you (which sure beats endless cold-calling, hang-ups, and rejections).
How to establish “Listing Preeminence” for as little as a dollar a day... When you’re seen as THE authority on listings in your market, sellers will actually believe you when you say you’re different from other agents.
Scripts and strategies for overcoming seller trust issues, addressing broken promises, and ethically assigning blame for the expired listing (without directly calling anyone out).
Our updated, anti-cold call spin on the traditional Expired Listing campaign that gets as high as a 25% response rate from expired listings
The difference between being seen as a “Knight in Shining Armor” vs a telemarketer comes down to how you make offers of help and whether sellers genuinely believe you care – We’ll give you the scripts & templates to do just that.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 · 11:00 a.m.
Central Time (US & Canada)