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The Multidimensional Career: Help Employees Grow Beyond Promotions, Positions and Pathways (Session #2)

About This Webinar

Let’s face it. Careers and career development simply don’t operate like they did in the past. Shorter tenures. Virtual or hybrid workforces. More mobility. Flatter hierarchies. The gig economy. They’ve all changed the landscape forever – and, in the process, have introduced enormous new opportunities. But only for organizations and leaders willing to embrace a more contemporary and expansive definition of career development.

⭐⭐⭐BONUS: The first 100 people to register will receive a FREE copy of Julie's book, "Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want!"

This session is based upon Julie’s forthcoming book published by ATD Press in March 2022, Promotions Are SO Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive.

Click here to pre-order the book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/promotions-are-so-yesterday-julie-winkle-giulioni/1139674055

  • Reimagine career development that goes far beyond the current, limited the workplace is changing and what it means for careers
  • Consider the disconnect between employee expectations and what’s possible relative to career development
  • Deconstruct career development into 7 always-available dimensions for growth
  • Explore resources to support employees in embracing and acting upon an expanded view of career development
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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Champion for Workplace Growth and Development, Bestselling Author & Speaker
Julie Winkle Giulioni is a champion for workplace growth and development, a bestselling author, and speaker. She believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their potential, and she supports organizations and leaders who want to make that happen with keynote speeches, consulting, and training.

Julie is the co-author of the international bestseller, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want, translated into seven languages. Her latest book, Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive, will be released in March 2022. She is a regular columnist for Training Industry Magazine and SmartBrief, and contributes articles on leadership, career development, and workplace trends to numerous publications including The Economist.

Named by Inc. Magazine as a Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Julie’s in-person and virtual keynotes and presentations offer fresh, inspiring, actionable strategies for leaders who are interested in their own growth as well as supporting the growth of others.

Her firm, DesignArounds, creates and offers training to organizations worldwide and has earned praise and awards from Human Resource Executive Magazine’s Top Ten Training Products, New York Film Festival, Brandon Hall, and Global HR Excellence Council.

Julie lives in her 100+ year-old house in South Pasadena, California with her husband, daughter, and rescue pooch, Pixel.

You can visit her website at: http://www.juliewinklegiulioni.com
Hosted By
Progress Coaching webinar platform hosts The Multidimensional Career: Help Employees Grow Beyond Promotions, Positions and Pathways (Session #2)
Progress Coaching has been a worldwide leader in helping workplace cultures improve through the art and delivery of coaching conversations. We help organizations position their managers and future managers to become conversational leaders!
Attended (8)