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MODULE 6: Writing & reviewing your own work for publication & ERAS

About This Webinar

In the words of Dr. Francis Crick (Noble Laureate, who reposed the double helix structure of the DNA molecule), “There is no form of prose more difficult to understand and more tedious to read than the average scientific paper”. Writing a succinct and lucid medical report for internal use and for peer-reviewed publication and presentation, requires underrating the art and science of good academic writing as well much practice under the guidance of expert authors.

The Scientific and Medical Writing lecture series is designed to healthcare students and practitioners, using lectures and published (peer-reviewed) medical manuscripts to teach the fundamentals of medical writing, editing, and medical communication needed to enter the profession and to succeed as skilled medical communicator.

  • Abstract writing
  • Poster presentation
  • Writing medical reports, clinical case reports, SOAP notes
  • Writing original research and review articles
  • Manuscript submission and peer-review process
  • PhD dissertations
  • Grant, Book, CV writing
  • Personal statement and essay writing for medical school admission and residency application
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Webinar Price: Free
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Dr. Rizvi earned bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and Master of Science degrees from the University of Karachi, with expertise in Organic and Natural Product Chemistry. After earning an M.Sc, Dr. Rizvi came to US to pursue an M.S and Ph.D combined degree program at the Center for Biotechnology and Drug Design, Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University (GSU), Atlanta, GA. While working at GSU, Dr. Rizvi was trained in the areas of Analytical Chemistry, Separation Sciences, Bioanalysis, Surfactant Chemistry, Chiral Separations of the Drugs, Trace Level Analysis (Forensic Chemistry) of Drugs in human body fluids (led to a US and International patent).

Right after finishing M.S and Ph.D at the GSU, Dr. Rizvi pursued another Ph.D (under Prof. Martin J. D’Souza) at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Department of the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mercer University (MU), Atlanta, GA in collaboration with Dr. Scott L Childs (founder and chief Scientific officer, Renovo Research, LLC). At Mercer, Dr. Rizvi was trained in the areas of Solid Dosage Formulations (direct compressed tablets), Controlled Release Formulations, Nanoparticulate System for Non-Invasive real time In Vivo Imaging, Cell-Lipid interaction Studies. At Renovo, Dr. Rizvi was trained in the area of Solid State Chemistry of the Drugs, e.g., Polymorphism and Cocrystallization .

Dr. Rizvi has Published over 250 peer reviewed articles that including, 51 journal papers, 48 oral and poster presentation abstracts, 2 book chapters, 1 text book, and 1 US patent (US8168440). Dr. Rizvi also presents his work through posters and oral presentations in national and international conferences. Dr. Rizvi serves as editor-in-chief, associate editor, executive editor and editorial board member for 35 different journals (various capacities) and review manuscripts and books for 76 well known scientific publications (journals and books).
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Project IMG webinar platform hosts MODULE 6: Writing & reviewing your own work for publication & ERAS
Project IMG is an online community created to help international medical students, graduates and physicians. The platform provides free medical education courses, programs and resources to help guide IMGs through the pathway to US residency.
Attended (9)