9am Dubai / 10:30am Mumbai / 1pm Singapore

Did you know that a seemingly insignificant amount of biofilm can negatively affect heat exchanger reliability and efficiency and, as a result, significantly limit production?

Attend this webinar from Solenis to gain valuable insights into risks and solution methodologies for biofilm issues.
  • Learn how biofilm can affect your profitability and production efficiency
  • Explore novel technologies from Solenis that mitigate the risks posed by biofilm
  • Hear about a leading U.S. petroleum company’s experience using these technologies, including production and costs savings benefits realized

Industry experts from Solenis will answer your questions during the session.

Click the following link to see the starting time in your local time zone:

The same topic is also offered at an alternate time more convenient for the Americas and Europe:
Gordon Johnson
Sales Manager
Tim Duncan
Applications Engineer
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