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As large-scale solar expands across the globe, system performance and reliability are more important than ever. Utility-scale solar projects continue to face challenges with energy yield and premature equipment failures. Factors that may lead to these issues are quality and design issues in single-axis tracker system components. Failures and improper design of mounting systems can lead to underperformance, module damage, or worse, even a total loss of the PV plant.

In this pv magazine Webinar, we will discuss with the experts Nicholas Hudson, principal engineer, engineering services, and Jörg Althaus, director, Engineering and Quality Assurance services from CEA, common issues during production, what the downstream impact of those issues are, and action that can be taken to prevent these risks.

Key benefits for participants to attend:
• Understand the most common issues spotted during foundation and tracker production, based on 10+ GW of racking and tracker QA inspection experience.
• Learn what the downstream impact of those issues are.
• Gain insight into actions that can be taken to prevent these risks.
• Learn how to make sure you have the right tracker and foundation design.
• Ensure your module specifications match your mounting specifications.
• Find out how to choose the right components for your tracker and foundation systems.

Questions can be submitted beforehand in the comments window when registering or in the chat during the live webinar. Anne Fischer, senior editor at pv magazine USA, will be the moderator of this webinar.

Registration for this pv magazine webinar is free of charge.
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