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Tips for mounting probes in reactors

About This Webinar

Join us as we discuss the correct positioning of different laboratory probes in our Reactor-Ready and Mya 4 Reaction Station.

Proper positioning of rigid probes is crucial for accurate process analytics. We will explain the importance of probe placement and its impact on measurement accuracy.

We will present solutions for probe positioning using temperature PAT, pH, and conductivity probes, including compound angled ports in PTFE lids. Radleys has worked in conjunction with BlazeMetrics to design and optimise PTFE lids specifically for use with the Blaze probes.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager
Ravi has a Masters in Chemistry and joined Radleys after working as an organic chemist in industry for over three years. His role as Product Manager is to look after all things Reactor-Ready Lab Reactor and AVA Lab Control Software.
Webinar hosting presenter
Global Sales Manager
Ben joined Radleys in 2007 as a Technical Sales Specialist, his job has changed over the years through Product Management, UK Sales Manager, and International Territory Manager for Europe, Russia and Africa. He is now the Global Sales Manager, responsible for both the UK and International sales teams and business.