The key message is of Hope, with an aim to demonstrate how we have everything required to overcome any of life's challenges regardless of size and how traumatic it might be. By taking action, being proactive, and self aware, we can learn to grow and develop as individuals, whilst better managing our mental wellbeing.
Webinar ended
Ever increasing waiting times, the devastating impact of Covid19 on the health system, the effects of a two year pandemic on our mental health and an aftermath likely to cause anxiety, fear and uncertainty, will effect us all and how we live for decades to come, especially the younger generation.

What can we do to alleviate these feelings? How can we minimise the impact this has on our lives and those of our work colleagues, friends, family and loved ones? Are there simple actions we can do whilst waiting to see a mental health professional?

Thursday 03rd February is national "Time To Talk Day", where people are encouraged to speak openly about their experiences with, poor mental health and/or a mental illness, so together we can address the stigmas and preconceived ideas of mental health. But, currently millions of people don't have the luxury of speaking to someone who is trained and/or qualified, with people having to wait over six months before they can access the support they need and deserve.

Therefore, Nick Wilson, will be sharing his recent experience of accessing mental health support when he was in crisis during April '21, only to be ignored, abandoned and left with suicidal ideation. However, he survived these truly dark times and the decline of his disabilities, which has led to his now being reliant on a wheelchair for mobility, to share his lessons learned and to inspire, educate and empower those he speaks to.
  • Who Is Nick Wilson?
  • I'm Begging You, Please Help Me?
  • Lessons, Suggestions and Guidance
  • Q and A
A Veteran who served 14 years in the British Army, Nick has had a rich yet tumultuous life. During his time in the Armed Forces, he deployed on multiple operations around the globe, including Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Three years after leaving the military due to a spinal condition, Nick experienced a mental breakdown and attempted suicide. Following three weeks in rehabilitation, he was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. Over the years since, his physical and mental disabilities have left him reliant on a wheelchair with 7pro-lapse discs, resulting in living daily with chronic pain levels, Fibromyalgia and still awaiting treatment for PTSD.

In the years since leaving, he has formed two successful businesses, ran two highly successful mental health campaigns and helped thousands of males through his peer support group, Talk Mental Health, whilst also winning awards, one being; "Male Role Model of the Year". Nick’s ‘cheeky chappy’ persona reflects a friendly, humble guy whose speaking style is open, honest and powerful. His wealth of personal, practical and professional experiences over 20 years guarantees a direct impact on all those he works with, inspiring and empowering everyone he meets.
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