When you look at the finances of sites, there are some unique challenges starting with the budgeting process. There are gaps in budget creation, gaps in billing, and gaps in reconciliation, to mention a few.The question is: How much money are you leaving on the table?

Join us and gain insights on how other sites are ensuring return on investment by making invoicing and payment reconciliation simple, accurate, and fast.
Matthew Tibbit
Director of Product Management
Matthew Tibbit is a director of product management at OneStudyTeam, with nearly 15 years of experience in clinical research technology. Specializing in site-focused applications, he collaborates closely with research professionals to understand their challenges and develop valuable, intuitive solutions. Recently, Matthew has concentrated on building capabilities to support clinical trial financials, helping sites save time and improve profitability.
Matt Glasier
Site Adoption Account Manager
Matt Glasier is the Director of Site Sales at OneStudyTeam, where he helps organizations leverage the StudyTeam suites of solutions to accelerate enrollment, increase revenue, improve efficiency and accuracy of their trial data, and ease the burden of investigator oversight. Prior to joining OneStudyTeam, Matt was an account executive for several tech companies.
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