Complex cases solultions

send us your complex case and our faculty will help you to solve them! dflakdjflkasdj faks jhjh

About this serie

Faculty members will present complex cases, asking for advice to other faculty members. Attendants will be able to present their own complex cases to discuss with the Masters.

Do you have a complex case that need the help from the masters!?
Send the presentation to and we will include it on this session.
Sessions on this serie
  • Complex cases discussion 7
  • by the attendees
    Complex cases discussion 6
  • by the attendees
    Complex cases discussion 5
  • by the attendees
    Complex cases discussion 4
  • by the attendees
    Complex cases discussion 3
  • by the attendees & Prof. Cristina Garusi
    Complex cases discussion 2
  • by Prof. Jian Farhadi and Prof. Crist...
    Complex cases discussion 1