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Replay - Webcast with Dave Featuring Special Guest, Peter Boockvar

About This Webinar

This was Peter Boockvar at his very best, I must say. And I am not just saying that because we ended up agreeing on a whole lot. Peter did not equivocate. The economic hard landing is coming this year. Inflation will fall again once the fallout from the freight cost file passes, but the issue for late in 2025 and 2026 is if inflation will stay down. The prime issue ahead is a pernicious debt rollover cycle into a much higher interest rate environment in the business sector as well as CRE, with negative repercussions for the regional banks. Peter is bearish on U.S. equities and sees the S&P 500 where it is today ten years from now. An index-investor’s nightmare but a stock-picker’s dream. He has a ton of things on the ‘buy’ list, including most commodities (including oil & gas), precious metals, and Asian equities. He remains a true contrarian as he has not given up one bit on his bullish call on Chinese assets (and by extension, Hong Kong) – you should tune in to the replay just to see why this is his strongest-conviction trade for the year.
