S-5! WindClamps™: The Most Cost-Effective Way to Increase Standing Seam Metal Roof (SSMR) Wind Performance
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 · 11:00 a.m.
Course Description:
High-wind events can pose problems to metal roofs, causing seams to unwind or separate and even roof panels to blow off the roof. Design wind speeds and code requisites are constantly upgraded over the years – affecting allowable roof loads for uplift. Reinforcing existing construction is not always practical, and the increased costs of new builds can force metal roofing to be perceived as unaffordable. There are cost-effective solutions available. Wind uplift resistance of a metal roof can be significantly upgraded with the use of external seam clamps. WindClamps™ are a far less disruptive measure, can be easily retrofitted to existing roof construction and are less costly than roof replacement.
This course is geared toward metal roofing manufacturers, architects, specifiers and metal roofing contractors to help them better understand how a simple investment in a wind clamp can dramatically increase the strength of standing seams metal roofs (SSMR) for both existing construction and new construction. We will look at test data of SSMRs with and without wind clamps, illustrate the cost savings, and show how to utilize industry resources to maximize the metal roofing value add.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the different failure modes a SSMR can experience under heavy wind loads
2. Learn how to prevent the failure or reinforce an existing roof
3. Understand the costs associated with increasing the allowable loads of a SSMR – adding more structure, increasing roof material thickness and wind clamps
4. Discover how much wind clamps improve the wind uplift characteristics of an SSMR
5. Examine changes to code as it pertains to uplift and how those changes affect existing construction
6. Learn what resources are available for reinforcing SSMR (FM Data Sheet 1-31)
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020 · 11:00 a.m.
Mountain Time (US & Canada)
The Metal Roof Experts™ Present Our Free Webinar Series.
S-5! has been the leading authority on metal roof attachment solutions since 1992. Our zero-penetration clamps attach ancillary items to standing seam metal roofs without violating roof integrity or warranties. The clamps mount snow-retention,...
For over 25 years, S-5!® has been the leading authority on metal roof attachment solutions.
Through rigorous research, testing and engineering, S-5!’s unique attachment products have revolutionized the metal roofing industry. We consistently exceed customer expectations by delivering unprecedented value and innovative excellence in the metal construction marketplace.