"Founders are a startup's best sales people." So true, but also so not scalable.
"Getting new sales reps fully up to speed takes 4-6 months". This is an eternity for a startup - and your job as a founder is to scale sales before running out of money.

This webinar shall help entrepreneurs with actionable advice on how to shorten the onboarding of new sales reps from months to weeks thanks to predictable, repeatable sales onboarding processes and assets.
Manuel Hartmann
Founder, SalesPlaybook
Manuel built up https://thesalesplaybook.io/ bootstrapped by himself from 0 to 50+ customers and 200k+ revenue in 15 months to help founders of B2B Tech Startups who are dissatisfied with their current market traction with a Sales Accelerator to help growing faster profitably.

Before, he built up sales for a Swiss B2B AI startup and co-led Salesforce projects and worked in sales door-to-door, at Tesla and Accenture.
Lars Mangelsdorf
Co-Founder & Chief Customer Officer, Expense Robot
Lars successfully built and scaled sales https://expense-robot.com/ from 0 to 500k+ ARR within less than 6 months.

He has worked and succeeded in technical B2B sales for the last 10+ years, lastly being one of if not the best sales rep at Beekeeper before co-founding his own company.
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