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SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Identifying and Solving Vapor Intrusion Problems at Military Sites-- State of the Practice

About This Webinar

Vapor intrusion (VI) is a common exposure pathway to be considered when redeveloping, building, or renovating buildings on land that includes active and closed military bases. The speakers will briefly recap the VI hazard posed to occupants of buildings that overly volatile chemical-release sites, and the current state of the industry for assessing and mitigating this hazard. The presentation will first focus on scenarios for assessment, and matching investigation strategies to the scenarios to achieve protective and compliant results, followed by a brief review of mitigation approaches. The webinar will then present an investigation and mitigation Case Study for an industrial building converted to residential use. Mitigation required a design to tackle crawlspaces, slab-on-grade construction, wooden floors, and a basement with dirt, rubble, and concrete floors. The Case Study will cover strategies used to assess VI risk; results from VI assessments; pilot studies (e.g., pressure-field extension tests); design aspects for the VI mitigation system (VIMS) selected for the crawlspaces, basement, and first-floor areas; VIMS performance verification data; results from pre-occupancy testing; and construction challenges & lessons learned.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Principal
With more than 27 years of experience, Todd chairs Geosyntec’s international vapor intrusion practice. He specializes in characterization and remediation of industrial, institutional, and residential properties impacted by chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons, LNAPL behavior in soils, complex regulatory negotiation, constructing and communicating hydrogeological conceptual site models, advanced vapor intrusion field methods, and litigation.
Since 2005, Todd has contributed to applied research projects with DoD and academic partners and provided vapor intrusion technical training to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, New Mexico Environmental Department, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, North Carolina DEQ’s Brownfields Program, U.S. Navy, USAFCEC, USEPA’s Superfund Division and he was an invited instructor for the 2015 Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional Association's VI course.
Webinar hosting presenter
Program Manager/Sr. Engineering Consultant
Mr. Malone brings 36 years of experience coordinating and directing the successful completion of remediation projects for soil, groundwater, and soil gas within various regulatory programs including North Carolina Brownfields Redevelopment Section; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; and other state and federal regulatory programs. One of Mr. Malone’s primary responsibilities with Terracon is to design, pilot test, and oversee the construction of VIMS systems. He has designed and installed VIMS systems at small to very large projects including fast-food style commercial restaurants, medium-sized educational facilities, and large multi-story apartment buildings. These included a historical spinning mill built in the late 1890s. Mr. Malone is an experienced engineer with current Professional Engineering licenses in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia, and has affiliations with the Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals, National Ground Water Association, Groundwater Professionals Association of North Carolina, and the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists.
Webinar hosting presenter
Program Manager/Senior Engineer
Mr. Jason McNew, PE is a Program Manager and Senior Engineer with 25 years of environmental consulting experience, including preparation of remedial designs and implementation support. He currently serves as Project Manager on one ISTR project and as Senior Engineer on five other ISTR projects.
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