Pierce Myers
Chairman, National Postal Forum
Pierce Myers has held a variety of positions in the private sector and the Federal Legislative and Executive branches, serving as advisor and counsel on postal and governmental policy matters. Since 1997, he has represented mailers and postal vendors before the Postal Regulatory Commission. Since 1999, he has represented the Parcel Shippers Association as Executive Vice President and Counsel.

Before entering private practice, Mr. Myers worked for 20 years for the U.S. Congress, serving as Counsel to five different House committee chairmen and working on more than 100 bills that became law. As Deputy General Counsel of the House Postal Office and Civil Service Committee he was the primary Congressional advisor on postal matters. Following his Congressional work, he served three years as Special Counsel to the Chairman of the Postal Rate Commission. In 2002, the Postmaster General awarded Mr. Myers the Postal Service's Partnership for Progress Award for his work securing emergency funding following “9/11” and the subsequent anthrax mail attacks.