Rickelle Williams
Director of Economic Development
City of Miami Beach
Rickelle Williams joined the City of Miami Beach in September 2020 as the city’s Economic Development Director. Ms. Williams is charged with facilitating economic revitalization and redevelopment and serving as a critical resource to local businesses. She is currently focused on business retention and economic diversification throughout the city, strategic planning for the recently approved North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency, completion of the Land Use, Mobility and Economic Development Study of the Mixed-Use Entertainment District (Art Deco Cultural District), and public private partnerships among other duties. During her tenure with the City of Miami Beach, Williams has created a Job Creation Incentive Program for targeted industries, administered three COVID-19 business grant programs, negotiated an 80-unit workforce housing development and lease agreement and facilitated completion of a conceptual streetscape plan for a major commercial corridor.

In her previous role, Williams held the position of Executive Director at the Dania Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). She managed various programs and initiatives for the CRA, including marketing a successful mixed-use development with over 1 million square feet of retail/restaurants and an affordable housing program to facilitate infill housing development and down-payment assistance for low-to-moderate income households. Williams helped develop a job creation incentive package for a major corporate relocation and also secured grant funding in support of a 300-unit market rate residential development. She also developed and implemented a rebranding initiative, led a multitude of economic development programs, commercial and residential improvement initiatives, workforce training, capital projects and much more.

Williams received a master’s in public administration from Florida International University, as well as a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from the University of Florida. Her professional credentials include being a Project Management Professional, LEED Accredited Professional and Florida Redevelopment Association Redevelopment Administrator.