Dominic O'Regan
Early Stage Life Science & Impact Investment and Commercialisation Consultant
Dominic O’Regan has 25 years experience working with pharmaceutical, biotech, scientific instrument and other life science business. He has held positions in marketing, business insights, product and project development, and process streamlining on both client and agency side.

Currently Dominic works to help seed and Series A stage companies to commercialise towards exit or market and obtain investment. This work is typically very collaborative, with close working relationships with the companies and others in his network to ensure the pitch decks, data room and the thinking behind them, are ready for investment and development towards the eventual market. He also has made 15+ angel investments in UK life science and impact companies. Dominic has continued his freelance consultancy work with biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

Dominic started his freelance consultancy 2005, working mainly through business insights, with 15 different biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and additionally was commissioned for several competitive intelligence projects. The consultant roles have involved close contact with marketing, market access, medical and sales teams, to ensure strategic planning and tactical implementation were effective. Companies he has worked with have ranged from start-ups, family owned pharmaceutical, mid-sized biotech, to large international business.

Over the past two years Dominic has developed a strong network in impact investing, focussing on green technology.