AMP ULEV eRoadshow

About This Roadshow

The CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN has resulted in traffic plunging to 1955 levels and pollution cut by a third to a half in cities, but experts say this is likely to be short-lived. Early studies have shown that people with long-term exposure to air pollution have much higher death rates from Covid-19, most likely because dirty air increases respiratory and heart problems.

ClientEarth, said: “The government has committed to keeping any delay to CAZs as short as possible. Given the harm to people’s health caused by air pollution, particularly to those most vulnerable, we think this is essential. In the meantime, it is important that preparatory work to draw up local air quality plans continues so that once the country starts moving again, people can look forward to breathing cleaner air.”

The AMP ULEV eRoadshow is designed to ‘take the Clean Air and ULEV agenda online’, across the Midlands and Warwickshire… all within 3 days! The event is supported by OLEV, Crown Commercial Service, SMMT and National Grid, with keynote presentations from WMCA, Warwickshire CC, Coventry, Birmingham and Wolverhampton Councils.

Each of the events are designed to look at the air quality agenda and strategy, charging and infrastructure, encourage the uptake of ULEVs and then discuss how the region future-proofs itself, while all the time helping ensure that it positions itself as the forward-thinking and innovative region, leading the way in the “Smart City and Smart Mobility’ space.
Sessions in this Roadshow
  • 1st June 2020, 10am
    The Role of the ULEV in the Air Quality Strategy
    Help ‘Accelerate the Midlands Plug-in Vehicle Strategy across the Region’
  • 3rd June 2020, 10am
    City & Region Focus
  • 5th June 2020, 10am
    Future Mobility: Creating a Nation of Smart Cities

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