Black American Political Association of California (BAPAC), Fresno Chapter
Debbie Darden, a resident of West Fresno has committed herself to serving her community by being an Activist for change as it relates to Education and Economic development. Her focus is to advocate for a community that once was considered one of the best communities in the city of Fresno to live in and to ensure that the schools in her community are once again at the top of the education system. Debbie sits on several committees that allows for identifying serious deficiencies within the community: BAPAC – Black American Political Association of California, Chair, District 3 Project Committee, State Center College District – Citizen’s Bond Member, Southwest Specific Plan – committee member, Chair – Golden Westside Planning Committee, Anti-Taskforce committee member to name just a few. Debbie was honored as 2019 “Woman of the Year” for District 3. Debbie loves serving where there is a great need.