About IDFR
The International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and is observed on 16 June. The IDFR recognizes the more than 200 million migrant workers, women and men, who send money home to over 800 million family members. This day further highlights the great resilience of migrant workers in the face of economic insecurities, natural and climate-related disasters and a global pandemic. The IDFR is now globally recognized and is a key initiative in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Objective 20), which urges the reduction of transfer costs and greater financial inclusion through remittances.
On this day, IAMTN joins in recognising and raising global awareness of the fundamental contribution made by migrant workers through remittances to the well-being of their families and communities back home and the continued development of their countries of origin.
This year's campaign focuses on "Recovery and resilience through digital and financial inclusion", in light of the new context that migrants and their families are experiencing following the COVID-19 pandemic.