Secondary Teaching & Learning Excellence

About This Summit

About This Online Conference
9th - 11th January 2024 | Starting 2pm daily (Also available on-demand)

Registration includes live access to all the sessions listed below. You will also have access to the recordings on demand, which you can view in your own time for up to 3 months after the live stream.

Conference programme:

Still need to register? Click here:

To watch live :

1) Click the 'enter now' button that will appear below the relevant session tile 15 minutes before the scheduled start time

2) You may be prompted to enter your email address, which is the address you used to register

3) Click this guide for more information on how to connect to these sessions

4) For the best experience, please join using Google Chrome or Firefox

To watch the on-demand recordings and to access handouts:

1) Please click on the relevant tile 24h after the live time. The video player will be at the top of the page.

2) For handouts click the handout icon in the bottom right of the video player (this will only show if there were handouts shared).
Sessions in this Summit
  • Matt Bromley
    KEYNOTE –Ten Top Tips for Teaching: How to plan, teach and assess great learning
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Chloe Testa
    DELIVERING TEACHING – Why do we mark and what do we need to mark? Tips and tricks for your assessment, marking & feedback
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Kristian Still
    DELIVERING TEACHING – The why, what and how of test-enhanced learning: Making retrieval practice work in the classroom
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Dr Robin Bevan
    LEADING TEACHING – Managing workload: Essential practical tools for leading teaching
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Clare Duffy
    LEADING TEACHING – Model, check, retrieve: Improving pedagogical practice with a universal yet bespoke approach
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Sean Harris
    REMOVING BARRIERS TO LEARNING – Neurology, pedagogy and poverty: How disadvantage impacts learning and what we can do about it
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Paul Ainsworth
    LEADING TEACHING – What are your golden threads of teaching and learning?
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Patrick Cozier
    LEADING TEACHING – Keep calm! Leading and developing your teaching team
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Dr Gohar Khan
    DELIVERING TEACHING – Growth Mindset: Practical ideas for the secondary classroom
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Sheila Hopkins
    DELIVERING TEACHING – EAL strategies for multilingual classrooms
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Jean Gross CBE
    REMOVING BARRIERS TO LEARNING – Promoting mental health in the everyday classroom: Practical strategies for subject teachers
    Now available to watch on catch up
  • Helen Webb
    LEADING TEACHING – Six Pedagogical Principles: Developing a model for teaching, learning and behaviour
  • Jon Tait
    LEADING TEACHING – Why I banned the word 'CPD': Putting the 'professional' back into your school's Professional Development programme
  • Jessica Richards
    DELIVERING TEACHING – Why we must create dialogic spaces in our classrooms and how we can do it
  • Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith
    DELIVERING TEACHING – How do you define your pedagogy? Precision, practice & impact
  • Bukky Yusuf
    REMOVING BARRIERS TO LEARNING – SEND & Inclusion: Lessons for mainstream secondary schools