Test - International Paediatric Congress Virtual Series

About This Summit

Maarefah Management takes immense pleasure to invite all the key influential leaders in paediatrics from all over the world to the “International Paediatric congress 2020 - Virtual Series” which is happening from 13-15 August 2020.

International Paediatric congress 2020 - Virtual Series will bring together groups of interdisciplinary experts to engage in peer-to-peer learning through our online platform which will focus on the practical management and the latest evidence-based clinical data on key challenges faced by paediatricians in the region and the most effective strategies designed to overcome these challenges. It provides unique platform for sharing information and learning new skills from lectures, on a various topics such as Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Vaccination, Critical Care and Emergencies,
Pulmonology, Cardiology and Neonatology Neurodevelopment Disorders and much more.

Join us at the International Paediatric Congress 2020 – Virtual Series for an enriched experience to leverage your knowledge, improve your practice, and network with your peers in the industry.
Sessions in this Summit
  • Test - International Paediatric Congress Virtual Series - Day 1
  • Test - International Paediatric Congress Virtual Series - Day 2
    Tuesday, August 11, 2020 · 5:30 PM +04
  • Test - International Paediatric Congress Virtual Series - Day 3
    Wednesday, August 12, 2020 · 2:00 PM +04

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