Veriforce Monthly Safety Meetings
At Veriforce, we recognize that the delivery of ongoing safety training content is vital to ensuring workers come home safe from high-hazard jobs and is often a requirement in a company’s Safety Program. This is why our monthly safety meetings and safety meeting webinars are some of the many service offerings we make available to our customers, which reduces the administrative burden and streamlines the delivery of regular safety training. These safety meetings can be utilized to engage, assist, and educate employers and employees to help make the workplace safer.
You can either utilize this complimentary package of materials when hosting your company safety meetings or invite your workers to participate in our monthly live Safety Meeting webinar. Each webinar highlights a new safety topic and is facilitated by one of our internal Safety Subject Matter Experts.
We offer the Safety Meeting Webinars in both Spanish and English.
You can either utilize this complimentary package of materials when hosting your company safety meetings or invite your workers to participate in our monthly live Safety Meeting webinar. Each webinar highlights a new safety topic and is facilitated by one of our internal Safety Subject Matter Experts.
We offer the Safety Meeting Webinars in both Spanish and English.