This event is a must for ISP owners and operators frustrated by the rapidly increasing demand for quality VOD and live streaming, Whether you are a network engineer, IT professional, or business owner, this webinar will provide valuable insights into the latest trends in video streaming and techniques for optimizing your network for a superior customer experience.
As internet customers turn to On Demand and Live streaming video entertainment, how can ISPs keep up?
Join industry experts Sig Luft (Netskrt Co-Founder) and Jason Thibeault (Executive Director of the Streaming Video Alliance) as they discuss trends in VOD and Live streaming, the impacts on customer’s viewing, and on ISP networks. They’ll get technical, and look at the challenges associated with streaming video, especially live, and how edge content delivery networks (eCDNs) help ensure a high-quality subscriber experience.
Siegfried (Sig) Luft
Co-Founder at Netskrt
Jason Thibeault
Executive Director of the Streaming Video Alliance