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About This Webinar

Welcome to the Show Gear Productions expo booth. Here you can see why Show Gear Productions is the company to produce your event from concept to creation. Check out our product videos and download our PDF handouts. Contact a Show Gear team member to further discuss your event and how we can help bring your vision to life!

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Vice President of Business Development
Webinar hosting presenter
Account Manager
Webinar hosting presenter
Account Manager
Webinar hosting presenter David Wight
Email: David@showgear.com
Mobile: (949)-283-7231
Webinar hosting presenter Brandon (Show Gear) Wight
VP. Sales & Marketing
Email: Brandon@showgear.com
Mobile: (949) 289-4089
Webinar hosting presenter
Account Manager
Email: Sean@showgear.com
Mobile: (937) 902-9507
Webinar hosting presenter
Creative Development & Marketing
Email: Joseph@showgear.com
Mobile: (702) 849-3814
Webinar hosting presenter Benjamin Show Gear Technician
Technical Advisor
Email: Ben@showgear.com
Mobile: (615) 927-2924