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Fireside Chat with Frank Cespedes + Louis Jonckheere

About This Webinar

Prepare to be energized by one of the industry’s most innovative and engaging speakers! We’re working behind-the-scenes to put together a session that will leave you full of ideas for how to tackle challenges at your own organization. Hang tight while we put the finishing touches on this energizing session. Updates coming soon!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School
Frank Cespedes teaches at Harvard Business School. For 12 years, he was Managing Partner at The Center for Executive Development, a firm that won awards in the United States and in Europe for its work with companies.

He has consulted to companies in many industries, is affiliated with PE and VC investors, and has been a Board member of Austral, Evenflo, Growth Play, HALO Industries, start-up firms, and the Education for Employment Foundation. At Harvard, he teaches Entrepreneurial Sales & Marketing, heads the executive program on Linking Strategy and Sales, and also teaches in the Owner-President Management program (OPM) for CEOs.

He has written for numerous publications, including Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Organization Science, and The Wall Street Journal, and is the author of six books including, most recently, Aligning Strategy and Sales: The Choices, Systems, and Behaviors that Drive Effective Selling (Harvard Business Review Press) which was cited as ""the best sales book of the year"" (Strategy & Business), ""a must read"" (Gartner), and ""perhaps the best sales book ever"" (Forbes). His newest book is Sales Management That Works: How To Sell in a World That Never Stops Changing (HBR Press, forthcoming). He received his BA from City College of New York, MS from MIT, and PhD from Cornell University.
Webinar hosting presenter
Co-Founder and VP of Marketing, Showpad
Organizational alignment has long been a challenge for businesses – COVID-19 highlighted how far many companies have to go, and how critical an orchestrated approach is to their success. Coordination among revenue teams is about more than messaging consistency; it’s essential to delivering cohesive buyer experiences, repeatedly and at scale, across all customer-facing channels, be they digital or human. This keynote from Showpad Co-Founder & President Louis Jonckheere will illustrate how sales enablement can bring all revenue teams together under one roof, ensuring they speak the same language and are pursuing the same goals. Both marketing and sales leaders will leave the session with a better understanding of how to eliminate internal friction, increase collaboration and achieve their objectives in a way that exceeds consumer expectations.
Attended (489)