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· 45 minutes

Marketing Brands with Authenticity and Emotion

Thursday, October 1, 2020 · 8:45 a.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Big companies spend millions of dollars on advertising campaigns to drive brand awareness, but Omar Johnson was able to make Beats headphones a viral social media phenomenon and an international success on almost no budget. Johnson learned the key to building great brand awareness was to listen, be curious, and to use truth and emotion to connect to the audience. In this talk, Johnson will share his experiences of creating emotional connections to a brand through innovative and unconventional marketing techniques. Learn these techniques and more from Omar Johnson, who Adweek named a “Brand Genius” and Business Insider named him one of the “Most Innovative CMOs."

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder, OPUS United
Omar Johnson is a marketing and branding keynote speaker, entrepreneur, former CMO at Beats by Dre, and former VP Marketing at Apple. At Beats Electronics, Johnson was responsible for brand development, advertising, retail experience, entertainment/sports marketing, and digital marketing for all global brand marketing and advertising efforts. Adweek named Johnson a "Brand Genius" in 2013, and Business Insider named him one of the "Most Innovative CMOs" in 2016.
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