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The Democratization Of B2B Sales: Talent Wins Games, But Teamwork And Intelligence Win Championships

About This Webinar

Predicted and unpredicted trends during the course of 2020 have disrupted industries, business models and sales strategies. The B2B sales leaders who abandon traditional seller hierarchies, activate a wider employee base on behalf of revenue goals and find new ways to enable, organize and motivate teams will better meet the needs of current and future buyers. During this session, Forrester Principal Analyst Mary Shea will highlight insights from her recent research, including how COVID-19 has accelerated key trends, changing sales models, and what business leaders must do to prepare for an entirely new buying and selling landscape.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal Analyst, Forrester
Mary Shea is a principal analyst serving Forrester’s B2B marketing and sales professionals. In this role, she writes for and advises clients on routes-to-market strategies in the age of the customer. Mary’s research specifically focuses on the empowered B2B buyer and how business leaders must adapt, organize and enable their marketers, sellers and channel partners to succeed both today and in the future
Attended (446)