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1984 & Its Afterlives

About This Webinar

To mark the 40th year of the violence of 1984, we will remember the events that unfolded in India and make connections with the ongoing and durable violence against Sikhs, Muslims, and other minority groups in India and the diaspora.

We’ll reflect on questions such as:
How is 1984 remembered in India and the diaspora?
What are some differences within the Sikh community when remembering 1984, and how is this related to non-Sikhs remembering and/or forgetting the events?
How did 1984 set a precedent for other kinds of contemporary violence against Sikhs and other minority groups in India and the diaspora?
What are some ways in which Sikhs and other minority groups resist and fight back against violent oppression?

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter SikhRI I
SikhRI connects people with the teachings of Sikhi and strengthens the bonds of the Sikh community around the world by offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums.
Webinar hosting presenter
Uma Chakravarti is a distinguished feminist historian who has taught at Miranda House College for Women, Delhi University. She writes on Buddhism, early Indian history, the nineteenth century, and contemporary issues. Among her publications are: Delhi Riots: Three Days in the Life of a Nation and many edited volumes. She is closely involved with the women’s movement and the movement for democratic rights in India. She has been part of many fact-finding teams to investigate human rights violations, communal violence, and state repression.
Webinar hosting presenter Shruti D
Shruti Devgan is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bowdoin College. Her research and teaching focus on narratives, media, memory, emotions, and transnational flows, with an emphasis on South Asians and South Asian Americans. She is currently working on a book on the digital, intergenerational, and diasporic memories of the 1984 anti-Sikh violence. She has published in journals including Identities; Media, Culture & Society; and Contexts.
Webinar hosting presenter
Sukhman Dhami is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Ensaaf. This human rights organization works to end impunity and achieve justice for crimes against humanity in India, focusing on Panjab. Sukhman received the 2004 Unity Award from the San Francisco Coalition of Minority Bars and South Asian Bar Association for his outstanding service to the legal community. He received a two-year fellowship through the Ford Foundation to work with the Center for Justice & Accountability and is a 2006 Echoing Green Global Fellow. Sukhman has published several articles and reports on human rights in India with The Hill, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, and The Public International Law & Policy Group, where he also serves on the Advisory Board. He earned his J.D. and M.A. from the American University.
Webinar hosting presenter
Suchitra Vijayan is an essayist, lawyer, and photographer working across oral history, state violence, and visual storytelling. She is the author of the critically acclaimed book Midnight's Borders: A People's History of Modern India (Melville House, New York) and How Long Can the Moon Be Caged? Voices of Indian Political Prisoners (Pluto Press). She is the 2023 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Nonfiction Literature.

As an attorney, she worked for the United Nations war crimes tribunals in Yugoslavia and Rwanda before co-founding the Resettlement Legal Aid Project in Cairo, which provides legal aid to Iraqi refugees.

She is an award-winning photographer and the founder and executive director of the Polis Project, a hybrid research and journalism organization. She lives in New York and teaches at NYU Gallatin and Columbia University's Oral History Program.
Hosted By
Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) webinar platform hosts 1984 & Its Afterlives
SikhRI's live presentation, workshops and courses.