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Talent Acquisition in a Post COVID-19 World

About This Webinar

Talent acquisition is being shaped and changed in response to the global health crisis. However, it's important to look ‘over the hill’ and beyond the current challenges of near-term survival and start to plan for talent acquisition in the new “normal”.

In that spirit, skeeled’s co-founder Nicolas Speeckaert shares some insights and best practices for revising your talent strategy for a post-COVID-19 world.

In this webinar we will cover:
·      What is the latest on the UK job market? A look at some recent surveys/data
·      What is the impact on TA?  
·      From crisis to opportunity
·      How AI and technology can help you and your business

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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skeeled webinar platform hosts Talent Acquisition in a Post COVID-19 World
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Attended (2)