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SoFi - Your New Student Loan Contribution Program Provider

About This Webinar

Looking to register for an upcoming webinar? Register to join our upcoming session here:

Friday, 7/26: https://www.bigmarker.com/sofi1/SoFi-Your-New-Student-Loan-Contribution-Program-Provider-Session-3

From August 1st on Husqvarna's Student Loan Contribution program will be hosted by SoFi. Whether you're a current enrollee, haven't yet enrolled, or don't have student loans but want to learn more about the full suite of offerings, join this 30 minute session!

  • Who is SoFi
  • Your Student Loan Contribution Program
  • Additional SoFi Benefits
  • How to Enroll
  • Q & A
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Hosted By
SoFi webinar platform hosts SoFi - Your New Student Loan Contribution Program Provider
BD Team's webinars