Feeling overwhelmed by too many options? Join this Mentor-led session to learn how to clarify your homeschool goals and reduce decision fatigue. Discover practical strategies for defining what you want to achieve and narrowing your choices to just a few viable options. By focusing on your end goals, you'll cut through the clutter and feel confident in your path forward.

  • 1685724234-632f60c4cf9eea44
    Community & Social Media Manager, Sonlight Mom
    Sunny has loved books for as long as she can remember. Her own parents discovered Sonlight at a convention and knew the literature and history focus would be perfect for her. She never planned to homeschool her own children past pre-k, but when her daughter learned to read, she was hooked. She has educated both of her children entirely with Sonlight. In her spare time, Sunny enjoys reading (of course), musicals, hiking, and being in or near water.
  • 1737062245-11ae2a209d1e1e32
    Homeschool Mom, Sonlight Mentor
    Christie first encountered Sonlight Curriculum in 1997 while teaching the children of a family overseas. As a former classroom teacher, she was so impressed that in 2009 she made Sonlight her choice for educating her four sons. She and her husband have been married for twenty-three years and have homeschooled with Sonlight for the past 15. They have utilized Sonlight programs from preschool to high school. Christie enjoys encouraging homeschooling families and helping them find solutions for the journey!
  • 1737062322-39cf9f523554708c
    Homeschool Veteran, Sonlight Mentor
    Jen Moskal Price majored in English at the University of Delaware, so spending a lifetime reading to her children was an appealing idea. She discovered Sonlight early in her homeschool journey, and has used it every year since 2003 with all four of her children. Her oldest two graduated from home, and some have gone to public high school. Jen worked in the Sonlight booth at various conventions for a decade – talking to moms about how to handle more than one HBL at a time, how to balance work and homeschooling, homeschooling as a single mom, and parenting athletes and artists. In her free time, she enjoys driving her kids to their sporting events and trying to convince her husband that he wants a dog.
  • 1737062384-1f588a9f3d8b930a
    Homeschool Mom, Sonlight Mentor
    Since 2002, Amber has homeschooled all five of her children using Sonlight. Her oldest four children have graduated, and her youngest is still attending Severance Prep (as an 9th grader). Besides caring for her home and family, Amber is involved in ministry at her church. (In her former life, she was a basketball coach and gets to do that once-in-awhile as the need arises!) Even after homeschooling for 20+ years, she still has much to learn and needs encouragement — She's excited to be on this journey with you!